Thursday, March 26, 2009


Okay. Hectic week coming right now. I am so dead! Why? Because what's coming up might shake even the largest hills in the Himalayas! Behold....













Okay, I am about to faint. Well, that's how you'd feel when you have just been rejected by UCLA and UCSD at the same time few days ago. And now, what's next is far worst? Let me show you my list.

UC Berkeley (March 26th) - My last hope in California..... Better than top two. Hence, I am deadddddd

Harvard (March 31st) - I shall knock my head against the wall if I get this one

Yale (March 31st) - I'll shave myself bald

JHU (April 1st) - Treat my dudes and dudettes out for dinner!

Duke (March 26th) - YAY! Another dreamy one!

Cornell (March 31st) - Would surprise me if I get it! XD

Princeton (March 31st) - My dream university. I'll chia all of you some hotel buffet if I ever get in. I'm serious. If I get it and I'm going there, I'll let you all slap my face. LOL!!!! *joking, maybe just smash me in badminton*

Ahhh!!!! I still want Princeton so badly. But oh well, desperate people never get what they want. Already expected a no-show from all of them since the start of application. Still remain the same. Will be optimistic but still be aware of reality. No doubt, will change my life forever.

No matter though. There are other paths in life. Opportunity knocks once? Don't think so. Besides, there are a lot of paths towards it! Just need to work your way to find that path! Awesome! Who knows? I might actually go to Adelaide to meet BX and friends if I get rejected by all! Haha! Good news too! XD. Don't worry, I'll remain optimistic. Pray for me! LOL.

A decisive week. Moment of truth! Wish me luck! =D

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