Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year's Resolution!

Okay.... I'm a little late in this I got to admit, but anyhow, at least I'm doing it! 8D. Got stuck with MapleSEA a bit. Here's a list of my many New Year's resolutions!

1. Get a fucking job.

2. Get my first Beyond Godlike in DotA! =D
Dah dipersettlekan! Observe! >D

3. Get my stupid university applications aside!

4. Force myself to learn Korean and Japanese!

5. Travel to Australia or the United States!

6. Get my butt into JHU!!!!!! *dreaming*

7. Exercise more? o.O Wait, it's supposedly becoming a better badminton playa!

8. Get my first second job in Maple/FlyFF/anyMMOihavefailedtoadvanceto2ndjobbefore!
Gunslinger lvl 30 in Fornax!

9. Get myself new gears! ;)

10. The whole world shall rest in peace........... Okay what am I saying. Let me rephrase, MAY PEACE FALL INTO THE DAYS OF MANKIND! That's it! =D

I'll update along the way, so far, these are what I can think of. Sadly, my mind is sort of blur now. Paiseh. That's for now! >D

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